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Real Estate - Tourism

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Tourism touches real estate in historic centers.

The influx of tourism is having an impact on the property market. For Kilian González Fontboté, the new Iberian sales and expansion director for the Engel&Voelkers (E&V) real estate network, the restoration of properties to welcome visitors is a reality in the historic centers of Portugal and Spain and the two countries are still “safe places” for the investment and attract more and more foreign buyers. “There is a strong impact from tourism in cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Porto, Seville, Valencia and Lisbon, with the transformation of many properties into tourist apartments, which is changing the center and the historic center for this purpose”, said Kilian González Fontboté, at a meeting held in Lisbon with network partners and journalists. This situation is quite evident in Porto where, according to Margarita Oltra, responsible for the expansion of E&V in the north of the country, “a building yes, no building”, in the center and downtown of Invicta, are being rehabilitated for tourism and commerce. This year, American buyers began to appear to bet on this market.

It is no longer just the luxury segment.

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Home sales soar in the 1st quarter of 2016.

The real estate market is booming and it is not just in the luxury segment, one of the most dynamic: 327 homes are being sold daily across the country, an accumulated quarterly of 29,464 properties, which make this first quarter of 2016 the best ever since 2010. The figures were released this week by APEMIP (Association of Professionals and Real Estate Companies of Portugal) which highlights the percentage increase of 14.6% compared to the same period in 2015.